Changes to Keep after Lockdown: full TES interview.
Matthew was recently interviewed by TES magazine about what teaching during Lockdown has taught him and approaches he will be bringing back into the classroom.
TES Interview: Changes to keep after Lockdown.
Matthew was recently interviewed by TES about what he learnt from teaching during Lockdown and what pedagogies and practices he will continue to use when children return to the classroom.
Popping “Bubble Fever”
Matthew reflects upon his time in the Royal Navy and lessons learnt in working with small groups in confined spaces.
Poetry for PSHE
Finding a health way to live through poetry. Inspired by Kipling’s IF-
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Blowing bubbles: Leading the return to the classroom
My thoughts and approach on leading the curriculum as Year 6 returned to the classroom post-Lockdown.
Religious Education: How the Curriculum has changed
A reflection upon what Religious Education is like now and where it is going as a subject. First published by True Education Partnerships.
Reflecting at home through Religious Education
My thoughts on using Religious Education during home learning. First published by True Education Partnerships on their blog.
How I… brought about a curriculum revolution in RE
A follow-up piece to Matthew’s article on change management in Religious Education published by RE:ONLINE.