#REsourceNorfolk SACRE conference
Sharing my presentation on Sacred Texts from the #REsourceNorfolk SACRE conference.

teachPrimary - Noah and Nuh
My new article on how to use the stories of Noah and Nuh.

Religion and Worldviews: REFORMING RE

Religious Education: How the Curriculum has changed
A reflection upon what Religious Education is like now and where it is going as a subject. First published by True Education Partnerships.

Reflecting at home through Religious Education
My thoughts on using Religious Education during home learning. First published by True Education Partnerships on their blog.

How I… brought about a curriculum revolution in RE
A follow-up piece to Matthew’s article on change management in Religious Education published by RE:ONLINE.

TES - How to lead a curriculum revolution
My first article in the print edition of TES on leading change in Religious Education

TES - How to teach theology to primary students
A short piece I wrote for the TES website on theology in the Primary classroom.