Warhammer Painting

Following on from my reflections on running the Warhammer Alliance club, I thought I’d delve into one aspects of the hobby the group found most enjoyable – painting the miniatures. For many, this is where the real creativity comes to the fore, transforming grey plastic into vibrant warriors ready for the tabletop battlefield. It can seem daunting at first, but with a few basic techniques, anyone can achieve great results.

The first step, of course, is building the miniature. Most Warhammer kits come on plastic sprues, with the individual parts needing to be carefully clipped out. A good pair of clippers is essential here – you want a clean cut to avoid damaging the model. Once the parts are free, a little bit of cleaning up with a hobby knife or file is often needed to remove any excess plastic or ‘sprue gates’. This might sound fiddly, but it makes a big difference to the final look of the painted model. Then comes the assembly itself. Following the instructions is crucial here; it’s easy to get parts mixed up, especially with more complex models. Plastic glue is the way to go; it melts the plastic slightly, creating a strong bond. The kits from Warhammer Alliance as specially molded to pop off of the sprue and are push fit so should push together using the pegs and slots. I found some pegs needed a little filling down for an easier fit.

Once the model is built, it's time for priming. This is a crucial step that many beginners overlook, but it’s essential for paint adhesion. Priming creates a uniform surface for the paint to grip onto, preventing it from chipping or rubbing off easily. Spray primer is the most common method, and it’s important to use thin, even coats. Avoid spraying too close or for too long, as this can lead to the primer pooling and obscuring details. I usually opt for black or grey primer, as it provides a good base for most colour schemes. This is something I did at home as spray primer is not child friendly. You do not have to prime the models and the included instructions with Alliance skip this step.

Now for the fun part: painting! The key here is thinning your paints. This is probably the single most important piece of advice I can give. Straight from the pot, acrylic paints are often too thick and will obscure the details of the miniature. Thinning them with water (or a dedicated paint thinner) creates a smoother, more even finish. The consistency you’re aiming for is often described as ‘milk’ – not too runny, but not too thick either. Try painting it on your finger nail or thumb: the paint should go on flat and smooth. If paint is not flowing off the bursh, ensure the brush is damp enough.

The mantra of ‘two thin coats’ is something you’ll hear a lot in the Warhammer community, and for good reason. Applying two thin coats of paint is far better than one thick coat. Thin coats allow the details of the miniature to show through, and they also dry much faster, reducing the risk of smudging. It might seem like it takes longer, but the results are well worth the extra effort.  

When it comes to the actual painting, I usually start with the base colours. These are the main colours of the model – for example, the colour of a Space Marine’s armour or an Ork’s skin. Once the base colours are dry, you can move on to layering and highlighting. Layering involves applying slightly lighter shades of the base colour to raised areas, creating depth and dimension. Highlighting takes this a step further by adding even lighter shades to the very edges and corners, making the model ‘pop’.

There are lots of other techniques you can explore, such as washes (thin, watery paints that settle into recesses, adding shadows) and drybrushing (using a dry brush with a small amount of paint to highlight textures). But for beginners, focusing on thinning your paints and using two thin coats will make a huge difference.

Painting Warhammer miniatures is a skill that develops over time. Don’t be discouraged if your first few attempts aren’t perfect. The most important thing is to have fun and experiment. And remember, every painted miniature is a victory, regardless of how it looks. It's a testament to the time and effort you've put in, and it's a unique piece of your own creation.


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