Knowledge Bites: Introductions

The first series of Knowledge Bites video are complete. The “Introductions” series gives you the foundational knowledge to begin thinking about teaching RE.

Introduction to Religious Education gives provides an overview of the importance of religious education in England's schools, and its relevance in today's society. We will look at the latest thinking from the RE Council and NATRE, some of which I have referenced before in Myatt & Co subject network meetings (or PSNs).

Ways of Knowing introduces the concept of disciplinary knowledge within RE. This video draws a basis from the OFSTED research review and broadening into current research around implementing a religion and worldviews approach or pedagogy using this structure.

We conclude this short series with Religion and Worldviews. An overview of how RE is becoming Religion & Worldviews and what this means for teachers. This will include a review of current projects such as the RE Councils Worldview project.

I am looking forward to reading your comments about these videos.


Knowledge Bites: Foundations


Knowledge Bites - Religious Education