Knowledge Bites: Abrahamic Sacred Stories
In this series we visit core stories from the Abrahamic cannon. Many of these stories are present in more than one of the sacred texts, with stories explored and then the messages for their religions discussed. Some stories you will know well, others less so, but all the videos have something new to learn and ideas of how to use these in your lessons. Stories are explored in their Biblical order.
Adam and Eve: In the first part of the series, we examine the story of Adam and Eve, focusing on how each Abrahamic religion interprets their fall and what this reveals about their beliefs.
Noah and the Flood: We examine Noah's story and its lessons about God's covenant and nature. We outline the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim versions of Noah and their theological importance.
Abraham: We examine an important story from a major figure in the Abrahamic religions. The Sacrifice of Abraham carries deep meaning and is interpreted differently by each religion. It offers valuable insights for study.
Joseph: We cover the story of Joseph and its significance in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim teachings. We examine themes like reconciliation, redemption, and forgiveness, highlighting lessons for students about these Abrahamic faiths. The coat of many colors is optional.
Moses: We look at part of the story of Moses and how he is called by God and doubts himself. A short story but one that has different theological interpretations for the three Abrahamic religions.
The 10 Plagues: In our second video on Moses, We will explore the next part of Moses' story, examining the historical background and how the plagues reveal the world during his time. This well-known story offers many lessons.
The Giving of the Law: In the final video on Moses we summarise the events of the Giving of the Law. We then discuss the theological significance of the 10 Commandments and how they have shaped the Abrahamic religions. A story you may know well with lots of concepts to include in our lessons.
David and Goliath: In this video with look at a story you may know well: the battle of David against the giant Goliath. An important story and one that begins the narrative of King David.
Jonah and the Whale: We look at a story you may know well, that of Jonah and the Whale (or big fish). We look at how the story is written in the three Abrahamic texts and how we can use this story in our lessons. Let’s set sail!
The Story of Job: A story you may not know. The Story of Job is one of faith in the face of suffering and can give an interesting starting point for resolving the question of evil and suffering, or theodicy.
The Nativity: In this final video, we look at a story many of us will know well. The Nativity is a story with profound meaning to Christians, but is also one that gives us an insight into the role of Jesus (or Isa) within Islam.